CUHD develops online courses to enable the widest possible audience to easily access its course modules. Building pathways to peace and development involves making people aware of possible solutions and understanding the issues at stake. It is imperative that this awareness be raised through training. The CUHD is committed to constantly updating its courses with important reflective material useful for deepening topics and gathering best practices for professionals engaged in these fields.
TARGET: civil servants, diplomats, members of NGOs, any public interested in the key training themes.
OBJECTIVES: to develop online courses offering didactic material allowing a step-by-step deepening for our students in order to concretely serve the success of their project. In order to offer this training to a very large audience, our courses are free and will eventually be offered in several languages.
Current online courses cover the following areas:
- Training in the field of human rights.
- Training in the field of humanitarian law.
- Training in the fight against trafficking in human beings.
Several courses are under development, we invite you to follow the evolution of the proposed programs in the future.

To Support and Empower Future Leaders to Build Paths to Peace in their Communities and in the World. Switzerland has a long tradition of supporting engagement and peace-building.
TARGET: future community leaders, from conflict areas and/or areas of strong social and political destabilization to offer them the opportunity to engage in an anthropology of collaboration and peace.
AIM: give the tools necessary to build communities of peace in their respective communities and abroad. Switzerland has a long tradition of supporting engagement and peace-building.
- Basic training on the principles and foundations of the creation of a human community promoting the integral development of the person, adapted to a multicultural and multi-religious public to be the catalyst for change in society.
- Meetings, testimonies and private interviews with well-known personalities, such as former Presidents of the Confederation, former President of the ICRC and Swiss political and public organisations, a selection of personalities from international organisations.
Training courses in this area are currently being prepared. We invite you to follow the development of our programs.
Poverty, economic and political instability, conflict, the demographic explosion of some countries, climate change, refugee and migrant movements, ethnic and religious persecution make millions of women and children, but also men, vulnerable to criminal networks that, through coercion or false promises, reduce them to servitude throughout the world and in our countries. Even if slavery is prohibited by a series of national and international legal instruments, trafficking in human beings is on the rise everywhere.
In our developed countries, the situation is deteriorating alarmingly, according to “The Global Slavery Index 2018”, In Central Europe (Germany, France, England, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Protugal), there was an explosion of published figures from 2017 to 2018 [+372%], representing a total of more than 800,000 slaves in 2018, with the same situation in the United States and Canada for the same period [+654%], representing 420,000 people affected by this scourge in North America in total. More than 40 million people worldwide are affected.
TARGETS: civil servants, diplomats, members of NGOs active in areas related to slavery.
OBJECTIVES: to understand the main issues of this phenomenon through courses given by practitioners and personalities active in the field of the fight against trafficking in human beings.
- Interactive training given by practitioners sharing their field experiences.
- Training on the various forms of modern slavery.
- Training on best practices for prevention, control, protection and rehabilitation of victims.

This training aims to raise awareness and respect for the fundamental rights of the family, women and children, including the elderly and disabled.
TARGETS: members of organizations promoting the rights of the family, women and children, teachers, humanitarian workers, diplomats and international civil servants.
OBJECTIVES: to provide the necessary legal and anthropological tools for the defence and promotion of the rights of the family, women and children to face contemporary challenges.
- Training in international and regional human rights instruments, international humanitarian law applicable in armed conflict, refugee law and migration law.
- Training on anthropology and moral values at the source of the protection of human life and dignity.
- A historical and forward-looking perspective on the respective roles of public authorities and civil society in the implementation of these rights and values.
Training courses in this area are currently being prepared. We invite you to follow the development of our programs.
The University College Foundation Henry Dunant develops initiatives in the field of the anthropology of life and dignity of the person, integral development of the person, integral ecology and peace by promoting the common good.
TARGET: members of organizations promoting the common good.
OBJECTIVES: to provide the anthropological and legal tools necessary for the defence and promotion of the common good to face contemporary challenges.
- Training on anthropology and moral values at the source of the notion and protection of the common good.
- Training in international and regional human rights instruments and mechanisms, international humanitarian law applicable in armed conflict, refugee law and migration law with a view to promoting the common good.
- Historical and future perspectives on the respective roles of public authorities and civil society in the implementation of the common good.